Love Quotes For Him || Short Love Quotes

Top Love Quotes For Him

“I Never Planned To Fall In Love With You,
But There Was Nothing
Much I Could Do, Cause
When I Looked At Your
Cute Face, I Knew
My Heart Finally
Found A Place,
Where It Would Be
Loved Like Never Before
And That Love Would
Grow Forever More,
I Don’t Care Where
This Path May Lead,
cause Your Love is All
That I Will Ever Need..!!”


If you kiss on neck,
I’m not responsible for what happens next..

Love Quotes Eyes

My love😘 the moon is beautiful but not more than you💕


Love Quotes For Him

We are made for each other,
You belong to me and I belong to you.


“I love you”
is more than just a statement , it’s the
inner most desire of my heart I can’t give up,
the deepest craving in my soul
I can’t ignore,
the lingering thought on my mind
I can’t let go,
the undeniable truth
that no matter what I will always be with you


“Let make something very clear to you. I don’t just love you, I need you. No not in that “OMG I’ll die if I don’t have you,” but for the million ways you improve me. The way you push me with gentle force to boldly broadcast my good and mute the bad. The millions of ways you shine the spotlight on all the things you see, while dimming the lights on what I deem as flaws .You’re the steady burn of my soul. So you see I don’t exactly need you to live, I need you to be a better happier me.”

I love You

“I love you. If you remember nothing else for the rest of your life, if you fall and hit your ahead and can’t remember my name, if you get so sick you’re unrecognizable, if you hate me, a if you’re on your deathbed and can’t manage to even lift a finger – remember this. I. Love ..You. Always. Forever. Eternally. Is that kind of love something you can handle?”❣


I’m a very observant person.So if you think I didn’t notice,👀
I did… I just decided to keep quiet and avoid drama.😎

Love You Images

“I love you because I do. I love you because the Universe showed me the way to you.💫 I love you because my heart beats your name , my mind drowns in your eyes, my soul feels yours even when we are miles apart.💞


I love you because I have no choice. I didn’t task to love you. I didn’t need to love you, but I love you just the same. My arms aren’t filled less you’re in them, and my thirst is not quenched unless you are the drink.

I love you

I love you because I feel comfort in being out of my comfort zone with you by my side.💖 I love you because every cell of my body responds to your touch, to your look, to the way you move and the way you sound. I love you because something, somewhere, directed me to you.🌸 It was my soul, and you are its mate.🥰

Through the paths we have taken to one another I have loved you. I’ve played incomfortable places among comfortable people until I had no choice but to leave thereto come to you here. I battled the gods themselves and faced the raging storms of hell until, one day, the clouds parted and your eyes met mine. I waited, impatiently, for you until that shock from my heart announce day our arrival,

I know you are scared, my sweet Angel. I know you feel the pangs of fear and the dread of a journey of which no arrival is guaranteed. But I promise you this. When the demons come I will stand strong with you at my back and you will be protected. When the brimstone comes raining from the sky I will shield you until each storm passes. When the swine and malcontent arrive, I will fight them, and when the battles are over and the storm clouds are gone I will hold your face, look into your eyes, and you will know why I love you.”❣

Love Quotes For Him

“I crave you the way the insignificant flame of a candle craves oxygen at the onset of darkness.

I crave you the only way I have ever known how… as if my life depends on your very existence… and my death will eventually be at your hand.”❣


“I still wonder about you everyday
If you’re taking care of you
If you are happy
Sleeping enough
I still hope
You have a life
That feels like magic
Even if I’m not a part of it
Because I still haven’t figured out How not to
care about you.”❣


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